It's been a while since I have updated. Graham is 13 months old today! He now has 7 teeth: 4 on bottom and 3 on top. He is "cruising" all over the house. He walks carefully holding on to the furniture until he runs out of things to hold on to. =) He's not brave enough to let go yet. In the last month he has successfully transitioned from nursing to drinking whole milk. It was easier than I thought it would be! He has also been successful with having all of his pacis taken away. He still takes 2 good naps a day and sleeps about 11 hours a night. He eats 3 meals a day (all table food) and 1-2 snacks. His latest favorite food is toast. He wants toast for breakfast every morning. He has his 2nd ear infection this month (both ears infected!); but I consider us blessed that we've only had 2! His favorite toy is his pooh train that he got for his birthday - he loves it! He LOVES dogs - he laughs and squeals at Razz and any other dog he sees. His favorite time of day is probably bath time. He likes to open all of our drawers and cabinets and empty them out, keeping me
very busy. That's all the Graham news I can think of right now. We love this little boy so so so MUCH!
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