Today is labor day. This is the time of year when I start getting really excited because summer's just about over and fall is coming - my favorite season! I think it's my favorite because of the beautiful autumns I remember from my childhood in Pennsylvania. My pumpkins and fall leaves will be making their appearance very soon (yes I decorate for fall). We enjoyed a nice long weekend this weekend. We ate dinner Saturday night with my parents and brothers at Chad's favorite restaurant, Houston's in Dallas. It's so wonderful that are close enough to all of them to meet up easily for dinner.
Graham has some new tricks (besides the array of funny noises he's always making). When he's on his tummy he's started lifting himself up onto his knees! It won't be long folks before he'll be all over our house, I can feel it. I'm enjoying the freedom of being able to set him down and know that he'll stay there while I can. It's hard to believe he's almost 5 months old.
The splints that the occupational therapist made for his hands are already helping a lot. I was very skeptical at first, but we can tell that when the splints are off that he has his hands are open a lot more. We are continuing to see the OT once a week, and we are going to see a pediatric hand specialist in October. Graham's pediatrician thinks he has "congenital clasped thumbs." Hopefully he will not ever need surgery since we are addressing the issue so young!
I'm posting 2 videos: the fist one is Graham rolling over (which is does pretty easily now) and the second is Chad getting Graham to smile and laugh.