Monday, November 1, 2010

Wedding Weekend

Whew! What a busy busy weekend! We were gone Wednesday-Sunday for Chad's sister Heidi's wedding. We had such a wonderful time! We got to see a lot of people we don't get to see much. And so many people told me that they read my blog, I was so surprised! I'm happy that we can keep friends and family updated this way.

Our trip started out VERY rocky when we had to sit on our plane for 3 hours before it took off. Needless to say, it was miserable (especially with a tired, crying baby). That night we had the worst night we've ever had with Graham, he cried most of the night from being overtired and getting Georgia allergies. The next day he got rested up and was soon back to his usual happy self, entertaining everyone. The wedding ceremony was Friday night with a very small group of family and friends. The bride was beautiful! Graham was a big hit in his 5 piece tux. =) Saturday night there was a big reception in downtown Atlanta. We had a great time but Graham and I had to retire after only a couple of hours. Luckily, the flight back was perfect. He slept most of the way. Of all the things to forget, Chad and I forgot our camera! So I will be depending on those of you who were there to send us pictures! Here are a couple that we were sent plus one from my phone:

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