Thursday, October 27, 2011

Halloween Party!

This year I decided to host a costume Halloween Party for Graham and all his little friends. We had such a great time! I loved seeing all of the costumes. We ate snacks, did a craft, and just played and visited. It must be noted, however, that Graham did not enjoy having so many people over and he did not enjoy having to share his toys. So I spent a quite a bit of my time holding and comforting him. Oh! And he did not appreciate me wanting to hold all the other babies! I wish I had taken more pictures, but here are a few I did snap.

My friend Cassie and her two little ones Hadley and Hendrix (pirate):

My friend Jessica and her son Max (piece of sushi...I know - adorable right?!):

My friend Tenille with her baby girl Audrey (owl):

My friend Jessica and her girls Camille (fairy princess) and Megan (lion):

My friend Angela and her kids Riley (princess) and Linden (dinosaur):

My friend Erin and her daughter Macy (bumblebee). Baby Reid was sleeping in his car seat.

Graham (farmer) and Jaxon (popeye). I can't believe I actually got a picture of both of them looking at the camera!

Linden, Riley, Cami, and Meg swinging:

The cutest farmer you've ever seen:

Thanks for coming everyone! We had a wonderful time!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Weekend Visit

This past weekend Chad's mom came for a visit. On Saturday morning the weather was so nice (really perfect!) we went to a nearby park for some fun. Graham is just getting big enough to really enjoy playing on the playground. His favorite thing is the steps. He climbed up and down the steps over and over. He loved just walking and exploring.

After we played at the park, we met my parents in Arlington for lunch. We had a blast. Here's a shot of Graham with his Grandmother and Mimi. He loves them so much!

Thank you, Paula, for such a nice visit!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Dog Fun

Graham decided to use Razz's dog brush to carefully brush his toy dog. Oh my. So cute.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Graham loves his Daddy!

Graham always has to get involved when I am doing household chores.

Since Chad works in Dallas right now and has an hour-long commute from work, Graham and I are usually done with dinner by the time he gets home. Here is how Chad usually ends up eating his dinner: having to share with the little guy even though he's already eaten!

Graham is so happy and excited when Chad gets home. They always enjoy some special time together each evening. Chad usually gives Graham his bath and gets him ready for bed while I clean up the kitchen. Then they usually enjoy some story time together.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Weekend Fun!

What a fun weekend! I'm so sad that its over! On Friday night Chad, Graham, and I went out to eat at one of our favorite places: Charleston's. It was delicious. Especially since we are trying to be really good and save our money by not eating out much (really hard, we both LOVE to eat out). Thanks so much to my wonderful mother in law for sending us a little cash to have a night out. I took some pics while we were there.

We have had a family camp out planned for several weeks. My extended family on my dad's side likes to go camping a couple of times a year at my uncle's deer lease. Those of you from Texas will understand what bad luck we had weather-wise! This has been the longest, driest, hottest summer, and on the one weekend we plan to go camping, it rains and pours the whole time! Cold rain! Oh well, we still had a fabulous time. One of my favorite things when I hang out with my dad's family is the game playing. My aunts are always up for a game, any game, and so am I! We played apples to apples, pass the popcorn, and my favorite: peanut. And Graham had so much fun! Before the rain came on Saturday, he walked and explored everywhere. He got filthy dirty and loved it! In the afternoon it started to rain and pour. We were planning to sleep with my parents in their large tent. We kept hoping the rain would stop, but it didn't it. Our tent was really leaky....and muddy. Eventually we had to face the fact that we would not be able to sleep in the tent, especially with a 17 mo boy, and we drove to a nearby hotel. After a delicious breakfast at the campsite, we headed home and all 3 crashed when we got there! Unfortunately, I never even took my camera out because of the rain. Oh well, I'll take some pics on the next camp out. Can't wait!

Here are the pics from Friday night...kind of out of order but oh well.

Monday, October 3, 2011

G2H Designs!

Looking for the perfect baby gift?? Please visit my new etsy shop! We specialize in making special onesies with iron-on appliques. If you don't see what you're looking for, email us at and we can custom-make something one-of-a-kind for you!

Check out our website at